Investor Insights

Archive: October, 2020

October 27, 2020

Stocks that will take off after a vaccine

By Gary Rollo

In this article for the Australian Financial Review Mark Draper discusses the companies whose share prices will re-rate very quickly if a vaccine for COVID-19 is developed. Mark draws on Gary’s two picks, Webjet and Tyro Payments as companies to watch as potential beneficiaries of a vaccine. Read here.
October 26, 2020

Ross Greenwood’s The Money Minutes 23.10.2020

By Roger Montgomery

Roger joined Ross Greenwood on The Money Minutes to discuss the outlook for markets and the potential impact of the US election. People associate the economy with the performance of the stock market, although there’s no correlation over a 1-year period. Even in an economy that isn’t going so well, there will still be businesses growing very strongly.
October 23, 2020

The highs and lows of boosting returns

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for the Herald Sun Roger questions what your options are in a world where interest rates are close to zero and possibly heading lower.  If rates on your term deposit went negative and it was costing you money to keep your money in the bank, would you leave it there?  Read here.
October 23, 2020

Strength in Aussie at whim of greenback

In this article for the Herald Sun Andrew discusses the recent strength in the Aussie dollar.   Putting aside the large dip and rebound in March and April, the Aussie has continued to appreciate by about 10 per cent in the past three months against the US dollar. So what is causing this?  Read here.
October 23, 2020

Bullishness amid the doom and gloom

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for the Herald Sun Roger discusses the reasons to be bullish during this market.  With many of the bear arguments centred around a bubble in technology stocks, it’s worth beginning the bull case with those same technology stocks.  Read here.
October 23, 2020

Why the market can hear bearish growls

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for the Herald Sun Roger discusses why investors are strongly divided about whether markets are fair value or too expensive and about to collapse. Read here.  
October 21, 2020

The Aussie small-cap funds you could be missing

By Gary Rollo

Laura Dew published an article in Investment Centre discussing Australian Small Cap funds investors some investors may be un aware of. Laura mentions the Montgomery Small Companies Fund and how it has returned 48. 6 per cent for the 6 months to 30 September 2020. Read here.
October 20, 2020

Ross Greenwood’s The Money Minutes 15.10.2020

By Roger Montgomery

Roger joined Ross Greenwood on The Money Minutes to discuss where market risks lie and how savvy investors should be thinking about inflation and interest rates. With the Federal Budget set to pump billions into the economy, how have investors reacted to this news and the tax cuts noted on the agenda?


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