Australian Equities

Concentrating on quality companies listed in Australia and New Zealand.

Global Equities

Outstanding global businesses with the potential for sustained superior growth.


A regular reliable income stream for investors.

Australian Equities

The Montgomery Fund

Aims to provide long-term compounding growth by investing in a concentrated portfolio of 25 to 35 high quality businesses listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Australian Eagle Trust Long Short Fund

Seeks to provide capital growth and outperformance over the long term through leveraged investment in Australian shares by using Australian Eagle’s Long-Only investment philosophy in conjunction with a short-selling discipline.

The Montgomery [Private] Fund

Seeks to produce absolute returns, mindful of capital preservation, from a portfolio of very high-quality Australian businesses exhibiting powerful competitive advantages. For investments of $1 million or more.

Montgomery Small Companies Fund

Aims to deliver long-term growth by investing in 30 to 50 high-quality, small, emerging and developing Australian and NZ companies with strong and enduring growth potential.

Global Equities

Polen Capital Global Growth Fund

A concentrated portfolio of outstanding global businesses with durable competitive advantages and the potential for sustained superior growth.

Polen Capital Global Small and Mid Cap Fund

Access to a concentrated best ideas portfolio of global small and mid-cap competitively advantaged companies with the potential for sustainable, above-average earnings growth.


Aura Private Credit Income Fund

Aims to provide attractive monthly income with target returns of 9% to 12% per annum from a diversified portfolio of small short-term loans issued by a select group of lenders to businesses in Australia.

Aura Core Income Fund

Aims to preserve capital and provide stable monthly income with a target return of 3.5%-5.5% per annum above the Reserve Bank of Australia Cash Rate, net of fees and costs from exposure to a diversified pool of Australian private debt assets predominantly made up of small to medium enterprise loans.


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